Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Thankful For All Of It

We fail. We make mistakes. We disappoint others and we ourselves are disappointed. All the while, our lives unfold. We shower, we get dressed, we eat and we pay bills. In the task of managing our lives, we lose sight of the gift of being here.

Our lives are rich with experiences, from the ordinary to the breathtaking. The little parts of our stories add up to beautiful mosaics, living pieces of  art. It is easy to feel that only the big momentous occasions matter and count towards a life of value, but that simply isn't true. Every second of our lives is richly unique and we should be thankful for it all.

I am thankful for all parts of my journey: the funny, the scary, the joyous, the challenging, the monotonous... all of it, because it means I am alive and in the process of unwrapping a very special gift that takes a whole lifetime to uncover: the gift of life.

photo credit:

Monday, September 1, 2014

New Soil, Bigger Pot

In life, we are always growing. Sometimes, we may not even know it, and barely feel it. What has worked for us in the past, starts to strangle us, suffocate us. It no longer serves us. What no longer serves you today? What in your life is holding you back?

I received a money tree as a present from a dear friend. I love it. I find it beautiful and most importantly, it is easy to take care of. You only need to water it once a week! How easy it that? I was told that I would eventually have to transfer it to a bigger pot, in about seven months. So...it has been seven months or so.

I have not yet transferred my tree into a much needed bigger pot. Maybe because it's a task in of itself and I can put it off one more day and nothing will happen, right?

It's safe and comfortable to stay within the realm of what we know and what currently works for us. What have you been putting off that may be necessary for your growth and development?

My plant started to look a little lackluster and sad. It needs room to grow. I need room to grow, to change and shift from what is safe and familiar. We can't stay in the same small pot forever. We start to wither. Our once vibrantly green leaves start to turn yellow.

There are areas in my life where I'm still in the same small pot. Thankfully, my beautiful plant is  a kind teacher, reminding me of the necessity of growth and change. I will be changing the home of my plant into a bigger, more suitable home within the week. Also, looking to areas of my life where I can shift to a bigger pot, so to speak. I am looking forward to it.