Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Thankful For All Of It

We fail. We make mistakes. We disappoint others and we ourselves are disappointed. All the while, our lives unfold. We shower, we get dressed, we eat and we pay bills. In the task of managing our lives, we lose sight of the gift of being here.

Our lives are rich with experiences, from the ordinary to the breathtaking. The little parts of our stories add up to beautiful mosaics, living pieces of  art. It is easy to feel that only the big momentous occasions matter and count towards a life of value, but that simply isn't true. Every second of our lives is richly unique and we should be thankful for it all.

I am thankful for all parts of my journey: the funny, the scary, the joyous, the challenging, the monotonous... all of it, because it means I am alive and in the process of unwrapping a very special gift that takes a whole lifetime to uncover: the gift of life.

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