Monday, October 5, 2015

A blanket of sleep covered the town.


Photo: Gillian Rougier

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Boys and Books: the Connections

I'm reading this book right now and I'm not really enjoying it. I am dreading the task and pretty much stalling/procrastinating. Why can't I just say, "I'm not enjoying this book" and put it down and stop reading it??

Then it hit me: I am doing the same thing with dating. I'm biding time with someone who I am not fully enjoying dating. Why can't I just say, "I am not enjoying dating you. Here are the things that aren't working for me?"

I don't want to hurt the book's feelings and I don't want to hurt my date's feelings. But being truthful is necessary. There is something to sticking-to-things and finishing what you started, but there's the other side too.  Joy is important and necessary in life too.

Doing things that you don't really enjoy for some guilt reason, robs you of time doing the things that you really want to be doing. Spending time with this book that I genuinely don't want to read, is keeping me away from other books that I could be reading and fully enjoying. Spending time with this person that isn't meeting my standards, is robbing me of time meeting other potential dates.

In Short:
Don't waste time with books you don't really like and
Don't waste time with boys you don't really like!

Life's too short for that!

Make's me  think of Austin Kleon's declaration that he will not finish books that he doesn't like.
Check it out here:

Friday, April 17, 2015

Celebrating Brokenness

We are all broken. We stretch, preen, reach; trying anything but to be broken, flawed, cracked.

There is beauty in our brokenness. It is what we have in common.

We want to find some kind of glue that will mend all of the hurts and wrongs. Yet these are the very things that make us beautiful, that gives us character, that makes us stronger, more humble and more compassionate.

So today I celebrate brokenness. I celebrate the cracks in my exterior, in my soul, in my heart.

Photo: Joseph Francis