Monday, March 28, 2016

Jesus and Sunshine

It dawned on me that I was jealous of Jesus' ability to love others in the full and whole way that He loves. The thought of Jesus loving others, having to dedicate time to others bugged me.

After pondering this for some time, I realized that God loves each of us equally, passionately, and with great care.  His love for one does not trump or impede upon His love for another. He does not have favorites.

To further help with this new discovery, an image from nature came to mind. I pictured the sun shinning down on a field of flowers.  The sun would shine down and all the flowers would get shined upon--equally. Each flower in that field would receive the healing light of the sun in the same dosage. The sun wouldn't chose which flower to shine on; it would beam down its love equally. All flowers would get love. This was comforting and reassuring to me.
