Saturday, May 28, 2016

What We Need

So much of what we need is around us already, lying in wait for us to realize. We search, make lists of things to buy, when we have them already. Sometimes it just takes a little poking around to find, tucked away, behind something else, just what we are looking for. It may not be newly bought, fresh-store smelling, but alas, it is there.

A journal, some book, something, to lie these thoughts in my head to rest, is what I needed this morning. Immediately, I thought a trip to the store was needed. I pictured the new journal I would purchase or at least contemplated what I would be looking for. Then I stopped. I prayed, asked God to provide me with something to write in. I looked - sought - and found. I found two previously used notebooks, with available pages, -- bare -- lying in wait to be used.

I thanked God, took my new found items --previously forgotten, lain to waste, and gleefully anticipated how I bring them to life; how I would use them again.

photo credit: <a href="">Schleif-10 window</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>